We love to dance, period.

In early summer of 2021, five families got together to start a new Schuhplattler Verein (group) in Denver. What began as an experiment - we really just wanted to dance! - quickly morphed into Gebirgs Trachten Schuhplattler Verein (GTSV) Alpen Auerhahn. (Gebirgs Trachten simply describes the type of traditional outfits we wear - more on that below.)

Many of us have danced since the time we could walk, but more importantly, we share the same inclusive mindset: Everyone is welcome, everyone has a place in our Verein, and everyone is appreciated. Also, we all like to have fun - a recurring theme!

And yes, we all have jobs (or go to school), wear regular clothes, shop at Trader Joe’s, and binge-watch the latest and greatest on Netflix - just like you.

Our Dances

We practice and perform a variety of Volkstanzen and Schuhplattler dances that have been developed and standardized by Vereine in Bavaria, Germany and Tyrol, Austria for centuries. In the late 1800s, King Ludwig II of Bavaria codified the dances and Tracht we perform and wear today.

Our Tracht

We wear authentic Gebirgs Tracht, which describes the outfits found outside cities in the countryside. Much of what we wear is from Germany or made by us using traditional materials and patterns. 

Each member buys and maintains their own Tracht. 

Dance Practice

We practice every week in a church hall in Denver. We typically practice Volkstanzen, followed by Schuhplattler, and we always spend some time refining the small details that make a difference when we perform and compete. 

Hundreds of schuhplattlers dancing at 29. Gaufest

Schuhplattler in the US

Our Verein is one of nearly 80 in North America (the US and Canada). Though our organization is too young to join Gauverband Nord Amerika, the umbrella organization that governs member clubs, we adhere to the same mission and principles: keep these unique Schuhplattler traditions alive for generations to come.

Every two years, a club hosts a big four-day convention called Gaufest. It features workshops, national dance competitions, a traditional Bavarian Catholic Mass, and lots of dancing, music, singing and late nights. Needless to say, we always look forward to seeing our friends from around the country at Gaufest. 

Winner, Winner, Schnitzel Dinner

Many of our members have competed regionally, nationally, and internationally - some for decades, some for the first time in 2023. It's rather intimidating to get up and compete in front of schuhplattlers and judges, and we are so proud of our members who rise to the challenge.  

GTSV Alpen Auerhahn at 28. Gaufest

28. Gaufest

Our national competition takes place at Gaufest. At 28. Gaufest in July 2022 (pushed from 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic), Michael Rase placed second and Maria Rase placed first in the 50 - 59 age group for Einzelpreisplattlen (individual prize dancing). Monika Jansen placed fifth and Chris Collins placed fourth in the 35 - 49 age group. Spencer Thusius placed third, Aana Rase placed fourth, and Imogene Fields placed tenth in the large and highly competitive 16-34 year age group. Toby Jansen placed first in the 12-15 year age group.  

Alpen Auerhahn competitors at the Bayerischen Löwen

2023 Bayerischen Löwen

The international competition is held in Bavaria at the Bayerischen Löwen and is by invitation only. It also takes place every two years, and schuhplattlers in the US who place in the top three at Gaufest the previous year are invited to compete - against Bavarians. On their home turf. No pressure. 

Again, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2022 festival was pushed to 2023. Michael Rase placed second and Maria Rase placed fourth in the 50-59 age group. Aana Rase placed fourth, Spencer Thusius placed tenth, and Imogene Fields placed thirteenth in the 16-34 age group. 

29. Gaufest

At 29. Gaufest in July 2023, Michael Rase and Maria Rase both placed first in the 50 - 59 age group. Monika Jansen placed eleventh in the 35 - 49 age group. Kevin Rase placed third, Aana Rase placed fourth, Imogene Fields placed seventh, Toby Jansen placed thirtieth, and Marina Jansen placed fiftieth in the 16-34 age group.

Alpen Auerhahn Gruppen 29. Gaufest

Gruppen Preisplattling

At 28. and 29. Gaufests, we also participated in Gruppenpreisplattleln (group prize plattling). Because we are not yet a member of the Gauverband Nord Amerika, we could not officially compete. We had excellent showings at both festivals and were extremely proud of our performances. Special shout outs to Noah van Bibber, who was an alternate in 2022, and Micah Wright, who participated for the first time in ANY competition in 2023.

Interested in learning more about us - or maybe attending dance practice?